What is Sevrugo?
Sevrugo is a new country, founded in 2020. Its territory comprises a small island located in the Atlantic Ocean, in former international waters, roughly midway between the Canary Islands and The Cape Verde archipelago.
This physical location is, however, just a convention. As with any other country, land is but a small part of our country’s attributes. Sevrugo does not have further territorial ambitions. Our destiny as a nation is to define and explore the main issues related to the organization of a contemporary society, without the burden of a previous legacy of governments, traditions, compromises and prejudices.
Sevrugo´s People
Sevrugo´s population, at the moment, consists of a tiny diaspora of pioneer citizens, currently living in several countries around the world. We are also nationals of our countries of origin, and we will continue being so. Sevrugo´s nationality is non-exclusive. For citizens of countries that do not allow a double nationality, we have created the figure of legal resident, with rights and privileges all but identical to those of citizens.
We are actively looking to grow our population, and we are experiencing a small but steady influx of aspiring citizens and legal residents. In contrast with some other countries, we don´t require actually living in Sevrugo to become a Sevrugan citizen, or even a legal resident.
Sevrugo´s Government
Given the small size of our current population, the present organization of our government is tribal. We believe that a tribe is the optimal form of government for small groups of people. The head of our Government is Chieftain Sven Rousseau. His approach to government is at the moment egalitarian, and his main focus is to promote the formation of kinship bonds among Sevrugan citizens.
Under the guidance of Chieftain Rousseau, Sevrugo is also working towards a written Constitution that will soon provide the foundations for our legal, economic, social and cultural advance.
Sevrugo in the World.

In the near future Sevrugo looks forward to playing a significant and constructive international role. To this end, we will apply to membership of the United Nations, and will establish embassies in some of the countries where a significant proportion of our citizens live.
Sevrugo rejects war. We believe that war is an utterly inefficient way of solving conflicts. Furthermore, our territory lacks any discernible value, and our true worth as a nation lies in the intellectual, emotional and economic heritage of our individual citizens, dispersed around the world.
The Sevrugo Covenant.
Sevrugo was founded on one simple principle. The same one that, in much complicated form, underlies the basic social contract of most other Nations:
Sevrugans commit to contribute to the well-being of fellow citizens, and will in return receive from them meaningful contributions to their own well-being. The role of the State is to facilitate these exchanges, help solve conflicts and provide means for co-ordinating large numbers of otherwise unrelated people.
Some practical data.
Flag: Sevrugo is currently in the process of designing an appropriate flag. As with any symbol of emotional value, this process involves a good deal of controversy. The aim of the project is to create a memorable, inclusive, original and contemporary visual pattern, able to stand as an equal between the flags of other great Nations of the world.
Currency. Sevrugo´s currency is the Denarius. Its value is pegged to the SDR to a rate of 1:1. The Government of Sevrugo guarantees the convertibility of the Denarius. As befits a country in our current state of development, Sevrugo does not have any debt; our budget is balanced by definition and the government income is provided by taxes, private grants and bequeathed legacies from enlightened philanthropists.
Language: Sevrugo´s official language is International English. All Sevrugans are expected to understand our language, and are entitled to use it in all its exchanges within our Nation. Sevrugo also acknowledges and welcomes the use of other languages by our citizens, and values the voluntary use of different languages as a worthy practice.
Religion: Sevrugo has no official religion. Our country acknowledges the importance of faith to a proportion of our citizens and considers any religious belief as a private matter. We expect the exercise of religious practices to be compatible with our customs and our laws, as these only involve merely terrestrial matters.
Economy: Sevrugo, having no natural resources and a very limited territory, must find its competitive advantage outside the primary and industrial sectors. Intellectual endeavours and initiatives currently in its initial stages are expected to generate a healthy economy. Some of our citizens excel at the production and commercialization of the intangible, providing the basis for a vibrant creative sector.
Should you be interested in acquiring the Sevrugan Citizenship, these are some requirements and procedures that apply.
- You can apply for citizenship either under your own name or a chosen new name as a future citizen of Sevrugo. In either case, your previous records or achievements in other countries are of no consequence. This guarantees an initial equality of opportunities for all citizens.
- In your application, we will ask you to explain in the simplest possible terms what do you expect from your belonging to our Country, as well as what do you think you can contribute to your fellow citizens.
- Upon reviewing your application, Chieftain Sven Rousseau will confirm or deny your citizenship. His decision is final. In case your citizenship is denied you can reapply three months after your rejection.
- Upon being registered as a Sevrugan citizen, you will receive an official document stating your new nationality, and you will have an audience with Chieftain Sven Rousseau to discuss your role as a member of our Society. Your plans, privileges and commitments to Sevrugo will be addressed in this audience.
- You can renounce your Sevrugan citizenship at any moment. If you renounce your citizenship you will be considered a foreign national for all intents and purposes. Your citizenship can also be revoked by a qualified majority of citizens.
- You can send your application for citizenship and any questions or comments regarding to it to Councillor Klara Bellucci, Klara.Bellucci@sevrugo.net